Голоса 1, Урок 4.
Культура и быт
Read the section on Культура и быт on pages 119, 134, 136 and 137 of the Textbook and answer the questions below.
- What is a Вуз?
- When does the school year begin and end in Russia?
- How does a student in Russia get free tuition?
- What is the ЕГЭ?
- When do students declare their major?
- What is a факультет?
- What is a кафедра?
- What is the highest grade a Russian student can get?
- What is the lowest grade?
- Would a Russian student be happy with a grade отлично on a transcript?
- What contribution did Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов make to the Russian educational system?
- What contributions did Ломоносов make to scholarship in general?
- What do you know about Николай Иванович Лобачевский?