Read the section 2. Days and Times on page 163 of the Textbook.
Memorize the names for the days of the week.
Memorize how to say: What day is it today? On what day? On what days?
Complete Упражнения 5-21, 5-22 on pp. 163-164 of the Textbook.
Complete Упражнения 5-6 on page 154 of the Textbook. Practice asking and telling what time it is.
Make a list (in Russian) of the classses that you are taking this semester. You can find names for many courses in the Nouns section of the vocabulary for Leson 4. Practice saying on what days of the week you have those classses.
Complete Orall Drills on pp 99-100 of the SAM. Oral Drill 1. Items в and д should be switched:
Oral Drill 2:
Oral Drill 3:
Oral Drill 4:
Complete Письменное упражнение 05-07 on page 107 of the SAM.
Complete Письменное упражнение 05-08 on page 108 of the SAM.
Complete Письменное упражнение 05-09 on page 108 of the SAM.