Голоса 1, Уроки 1-5
Голоса 1 Study Guides
Grammar review
- Gender of nouns
- Hard and soft stems
- Memorize ALL of the spelling rules
- Nominative plural of nouns
- Personal pronouns
- The forms for "whose?"
- Possessive pronouns
- Adjective endings
- The forms for "какой"
- The forms for "this"
- Indicating having something
- Verb conjugation
- Verbs with -е-/-ё- conjugations
- Verbs with -и-
- The past tense
- Talking about languages
- Verbs involving language skills: читать, писать, говорить, понимать
- Verbs involving knowledge or study of languages: знать, изучать
- Talking about nationalities
- The Prepositions case
- Review when to use the Prepositiona Case
- Prepositional case of nouns: singular and plural
- Prepositional case of adjectives: singular and plural
- Prepositional case of possessives and special modifiers
- Prepositional case of questions words
- Prepositional case of personal pronouns
- Conjunctions и, а, но
- Reflexive verbs (учиться)
- учиться vs. изучать vs. заниматься
- The accusative case
- Review when to use the accusative case
- Accusative case of nouns
- Accusative case of adjectives
- Accusative case of possessives
- The verbs любить
- Question words used as conjunctions (sentence expanders)
- тоже vs. также
- The use of words for "class": курс, занятия, урок, лекцийа, пара
- Days of the week
- Times of the day: утром, днём, вечером, ночью
- Going: идти, ходить, ехать, ездить
- Questions with где and куда
- Prepositions в and на and the accusative case with direction
- Expressing necessity and obligation: должен, должна, должно, должны
- Free (not busy): свободен, свободна, свободно, свободны
- Review all vocabulary