Russian in Windows 10
- Click on Start > Settings (the Gear Icon).
- In the Windows Setting window, click on the Time & Language menu item.
- In the left-hand sidebar of the Time & Language menu item, select the Region & Language option.
- In the Region & Language menu option choose the ADD A LANGUAGE option by clicking on the "+" button.
- In the search bar at the top of the "Choose a Language to Install" menu option, type in "Russian" and selected the "Russian" keyboard.
- Press the NEXT button to continue.
- Once the language pack is installed successfully, the Language window will display both English and Russian options
- For additional options, click on the Russian language, and then click the Options button that appears below the language.
- Click on the + Add a keyboard option.
- Choose the Add a Keyboard option and select a mnemonic keyboard.
- Select the "Russian - Mnemonic" keyboard.
- Close out the Settings windows.
- In the lower right-hand corner of your Windows desktop, you should see a language option ENG. Click the ENG button on your system tray to change the language to Russian.
- To view the Russian keyboard layout go to On-Screen Keyboard by clicking the Start button, > All Programs > Accessories > Ease of Access, and On-Screen Keyboard.