Basic English for Computing.
Unit 2. Types of computer


Task 1. As you look in the textbook at the images of the types of computer will tell you how much computers have changend in the short time since the textbook was published. Some of these computer types are no longer on the market, and many new types have been introduced since then. Below are additional examples of more current computers

1. Laptop or Notebook

2. Desktop or PC

3. Netbook mini, or subnotebook

4. Personal Digital Assistant, or handheld (iPod)

5. Tablet

6. Smartphone

7. Minicomputer

8. Rackmount

9. Mainframe

11. Supercomputer

Task 2. Complete the task by making a list of people who use teach type of computer and where they are used.


Task 3. Complete the task. Listen to Part 1 of this conversation between a shop assistant and a customer. Check the correct answers to the questions in the Textbook.

Task 4. Complete the task. Listen to Part 2 of the conversation. In Column A of the Textbook check the hardware items named in the conversation.

Task 5. Listen again to the conversation. In column B, check the items the assistant recommends.


Task 6. Read the notes about each computer type and complete the task. Be prepared to answer the questions in class. Be able to describe each type of computer in your own words.


  1. Study the comparison of three types of computer.
  2. Review the rules for making comparison of adjectives.
Task 7. Complete the task by filling in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective.

Aids to communication. Memorize the phrases and use them in class with some examples.


Task 8. Complete the task. Read the text about each user. Look up in an online dictionary any words that you do not understand.


Task 9
  1. Complete the task by filling in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets.
  2. Read and record the entire text and send it to the instructor.


  1. Able to describe each type of computer, who uses is it and where it is used.
  2. Able to make comparisons by using the appropriate forms of adjectives.
  3. Role playing: Shopping for a computer.