Македонски нардони носии

Mijacka men's dress from the village of Galicnik, Debar Region.
Smock made of thin, handwoven cotton material. 2. Felt waistcoat decoiated wi:h >>-kapaci-«, frogging, and trimmed a the seams with machine stitching in red and yellow cotton. The facings and the sleeves are decorated with bought buttons. Breeches of white broadcloth with all the seams trimmed with black braid. At the sides there are pockets and in the front by the flypiece there are two more slits which make the breeches easier to put on.
Copyright ©. George Mitrevski. e-mail:mitrevski@pelister.org
Македонски народни носии. Скопје: Етнолошки музеј, 1963