Russian Art

Rotari, P. "Portrait of Bartolomeo Rastrelli". 1760 ca.

Notes: Portrait of Bartolomeo (Varfolomei Varfolomeevich) Rastrelli (c. 1700-1771), architect This portrait of the famous architect Rastrelli displays the harmonious colors and subtle approach to expression which one associates with Pietro Rotari's best portraits of young women. Bartolommeo Rastrelli along with Savva Chevakinsky and Prince Dmitri Ukhtomsky was one of the three great masters of Russian baroque architecture. His style is notable for its combination of baroque and traditional Russian forms. His Church of St. Andrew the First, begun in 1747, and the Smolny Convent in St. Petersburg exemplify that successful and often festive amalgamation.
Copyright ©. George Goce Mitrevski.