Russian Art

Mosnier, J. L. "Anna Semionovna Muraviova-Apostol with Children". 1799

Notes: Portrait of Anna Semionovna Muraviova-Apostol (177?-1810), born Chernoyevich, wife of I. M. Muraviov-Apostol, with their son Matvei Ivanovich (1793-1886), later a Decembrist, and their daughter Ekaterina Ivanovna (1794-1849), later Bibikova The palpable sentiment that enlivens this touching family portrait of Russian aristocrats is noticeably similar to that seen in the portraits of Mosnier's contemporary, Baron Fran?ois-Pascal-Simon G?rard (1770-1837).
Copyright ©. George Goce Mitrevski.