Genitive Case. Singular nouns
- Masculine and neuter nouns that end in a hard stem have the
ending -a in the genitive singular:
nominative | genitive |
брат | брата |
автобус | автобуса |
Антон | Антона |
окно | окна |
письмо | письма |
- Masculine and neuter nouns that end in a soft consonant have
the ending -я in the genitive singular:
nominative | genitive |
трамвай | трамвая |
Юрий | Юрия |
учитель | учителя |
море | моря |
- Feminine nous that end in a hard stem have the ending -ы in the
genitive singular:
nominative | genitive |
сестра | сестры |
Нина | Нины |
- Feminine nouns that end in a soft consonant have the ending -и in
the genitive singular:
nominative | genitive |
Аня | Ани |
Мария | Марии |
неделя | недели |
мать | матери |
дочь | дочери |
- Feminine nouns that have a stem ending in the letters к, г, х, ч, ж, ш, щ,
have the ending -и in the genitive singular (because of the spelling rule problem):
nominative | genitive |
книга | книги |
копейка | копейки |