Genitive case. Plural nouns
- To form the genitive plural you need to look at the nominative
singular form of the noun.
- Masculine and feminine nouns that end in a soft sign (-ь) will
have the ending -eй in the genitive plural:
gender | singular | plural |
masc |
учитель | учителей |
портфель | портфелей |
fem | площадь | площадей |
кровать | кроватей |
- The ending -eй is also taken by nouns that end in the consonants
ж, ш, ч, щ:
singular | plural |
карандаш | карандашей |
врач | врачей |
этаж | этажей |
товарищ | товарищей |
- The ending -eй is also taken by soft stem neuter nouns (nouns that
end in a consonant and -e):
singular | plural |
море | морей |
поле | полей |
- Masculine and feminine nouns that end in a vowel (-a, -я), neuter
nouns that end in -o, and nouns with the suffix -ин, form the
genitive plural by dropping the last vowel or suffix. Sometime this
is called zero ending:
gender | singular | plural |
masculine | коллега | коллег |
мужчина | мужчин |
feminine | книга | книг |
газета | газет |
neuter | яблоко | яблок |
письмо | писем |
-ин | англичанин | англичан |
- Nouns that end in -я preserve the softness of the last consonant
in the genitive plural by adding the soft sign (-ь):
singular | plural |
неделя | недель |
героиня | героинь |
- Nouns that end in -ия, -ие and -eя will add the consonant -й after
dropping the last vowel:
singular | plural |
фамилия | фамилий |
лаборатория | лабораторий |
идея | идей |
общежитие | общежитий |
- Masculine nouns that end in a hard consonant will have the ending
-ов in the genitive plural:
singular | plural |
журнал | журналов |
город | городов |
- Masculine nouns that end in the consonant -й will have the ending
-ев in the genitive plural:
singular | plural |
музей | музеев |
трамвай | трамваев |
- Remember to follow Spelling rule 3 when working with nouns that
end in the consonant -ц:
| singular | plural |
unaccented | месяц | месяцев |
accented | отец | отцов |
- Nouns that have an extended stem in the plural form the genitive
plural from the extended stem:
nom. sg. | nom. pl. | gen. pl. |
брат | братья | братьев |
- The plural of человек (person) is люди. Russian also uses the word
человек in the genitive plural with numerals and with the indefinite
expression несколько.
- In all other instances the genitive plural of люди (людей) is