Голоса 1 Study Guides
Online Exercises
The Russian Alphabet, Part 1
The Russian Alphabet, Part 2
The Russian Alphabet, Part 3
The Russian Alphabet, Part 4
The Russian Alphabet, Part 5
The Russian Alphabet, Part 6
Урок 1
О чём идёт речь?
1. Formal and Informal Speech Situations
2. Russian Names
3. Gender - Inroduction
4. Gender of Modifier "My"
5-7. The Nominative and Prepositional Case
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Урок 2
O чём идёт речь?
1. Grammatical Gender
2. Nominative Plural of Nouns
3. The personal Pronouns: он, она, они.
4. Whose? Чей? Possessive Pronouns мой, твой, его, её, наш, ваш, их
5. Adjectives (Nominative Case)
6. What: что vs. какой
7. This is/These are...
8. Indicating Having Something
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Фонетика и интонация
Review Exercises
Урок 3
1. Verb Conjugation; 2. Verbs with -е-/-ё- conjugation
3. Verbs with -и- Conjugation
4. Past Tense: Introduction
5. Word order: Adverbs
6. Talking about Languages
7. Talking about Nationalities
8. The Prepositional Case
9. Conjunctions
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Урок 4
1. Учиться
2. The Prepositional Case: на
О чём идёт речь?
3. Study: учиться, изучать, заниматься
4. The Accusative Case
5. To like: любить
6. Prepositional Case of Question Words and Personal Pronouns
7. Questions words and Sentence Expanders
8. Also: тоже vs. также
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Культура и быт
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Урок 5
2. Days and Times
3. New Verbs
4. Stress in Verbs
5. Going
6. Asking Where: где vs. куда
7. Answering the question Куда?
8. Expressing Necessity or Obligation
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Verbs Review
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Урок 6
1. Хотеть
2. Verbs of Position - стоять, висеть, лежать
3. Genitive case of personal pronouns
4. Expressing ownership
5. Expressing Non-existence and Absence
6. Possession and Attribution: Genitive Case of Noun Phrases
7. Specifying Quantity
8. At Someone's Place; 9. Review of Genitive case Uses
Lesson Review 1
Lesson Review 2
Урок 7
Это наша семья
1. Профессии. Места работы
1. Was Born, Grew Up
2. Expressing Age -- The Dative Case of Pronouns
3. Introduction to the Genitive Plural
4. Specifying Quantity
5. Comparing Ages
6. The Accusative Case of Pronouns
7. Telling Someone's Name
8. The Accusative Case
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Урок 8
1. Past Tense - Был
2. Had and Did not have - The Past Tense of есть and нет.
3. Went - ходил vs. пошёл, ездил vs. поехал
4. The Dative Case
5. Use of the Dative Case
6. Liking: нравится, нравятся + Dative
Очём идёт речь?
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Урок 9
1. Verb conjugation - есть, пить
2. Instrumental case
3. Verbs in -овать: советовать;
4. Future Tense of быть
5. The Future Tense
6. Verbal Aspect
7. Question Words and Pronouns
О чём идёт речь?
Разговоры для слушания
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Фонетика и интонация
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Урок 10
1. Expressing Resemblance: похож на кого?
2. Expressing location
3. Entering and Graduating from School
4. Indicating the Year in Which an Event Takes (Took) Place: В каком году?
5. Time Expression with через and назад
6. Verbal Aspect - Past Tense
7. Review of Motion Verbs
8. Have Been Doing - Use Present Tense
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George Goce Mitrevski